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COVID-19 & Cystic Fibrosis Canada: A Message from the Board of Directors

April 3, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Cystic Fibrosis Canada,

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an abrupt and unprecedented impact on the entire world. We have all had to shift the way we go about our daily lives, as family members, colleagues, volunteers and staff. The true impact of the pandemic remains to be seen, but we know it is having a significant impact already and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

The Board of Directors of Cystic Fibrosis Canada has met and has reaffirmed its commitment to providing rational and thoughtful leadership during this serious and uncertain time.  We are working very closely with our CEO, Kelly Grover, and have complete confidence in Kelly and her team, and the business continuity plans that are being put into action to ensure that Cystic Fibrosis Canada remains viable and able to serve the needs of people living with cystic fibrosis. This will be difficult and we know it’s going to continue to challenge us as we face reduced revenues and limited abilities to carry out our work with the CF community in the ways that we normally do. As a result, critical decisions will need to be made and we appreciate your understanding and trust going forward.

I want you to know that the Board will be meeting more frequently to provide timely oversight and direction as required. We approach our role as stewards of the funds raised by Cystic Fibrosis Canada with great care. In the long-term, we are committed to our strategic directions and in the short-term we will prioritize the work we do to ensure that we continue to drive forward to improve the health and quality of life of people living with cystic fibrosis.

The CF community is strong and resilient. Working together, we will get through this. Thank you for your continued support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada. We need you now more than ever.

To all of you and your families, please stay safe.


Mitch LePage

Chair, Board of Directors

Cystic Fibrosis Canada

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