Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes
Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Virtual Education Program for Patients and Caregivers
Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes with Dr. Yves Berthiaume and Paul Underhill
On September 29th, 2015, Cystic Fibrosis Canada hosted its sixth educational webinar in our Virtual Education Program for Patients and Caregivers. Dr. Yves Berthiaume presented on ‘Cystic Fibrosis-Related Diabetes (CFRD)’ and Paul Underhill provided a motivational talk on his experiences living with CFRD.
Dr. Berthiaume is a Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Montreal, the Director of the Cellular and Molecular Lung Biology Research Unit at the IRCM, and is the recipient of the IRCM Gosselin-Lamarre Chair in clinical research. His research interests focus on the role of lung epithelial cells in the pathophysiology of diseases such as cystic fibrosis and pulmonary edema. More recently, he has also explored the interaction of the inflammatory response with the development of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes. Dr. Berthiaume provided an overview of cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, including clinical case studies, and the challenges diagnosing the disease. He discussed its effects on lung function and infection, and how it differs from Type I and II diabetes. Lastly, he discussed current and future treatment and management of CFRD.
Joining Dr. Berthiaume was Paul Underhill. Paul lives in Victoria, B.C. and was diagnosed with CF as an infant. In 2007, Paul was diagnosed with CFRD and received a double-lung transplant in 2011. He has served as past western representative on Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Adult CF Advisory Committee, and is the co-founder of Rumble Drinks, nutritional shakes that are safe for people with CF and CFRD due to their low glycemic index and ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Paul has degrees from the University of Victoria in Psychology and Law. He has a life-long passion for all things health-related, is an active recreational and occasional competitive cyclist and has twice participated in the GearUp4CF bike ride from Vancouver to Banff. Paul shared his experiences living with CFRD, emphasizing the importance of healthy eating and living in managing his symptoms and staying well.
To learn more about cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, please watch the full presentation here.